首页标准制修订 - 汽车标准查询


  标准编号 标准名称 英文名称 代替标准 发布日期 实施日期
1 QC/T 209-2007 汽车、摩托车用软轴 Flexible shaft ofr automobile and motorcycle 全部代替:QC/T 209-1996 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
2 QC/T 213-2007 汽车、摩托车仪表术语 Automobile and motorcycle instrument terminology 全部代替:QC/T 213-1996 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
3 QC/T 215-2007 汽车、摩托车仪表型号编制方法 Type methodology for automobile and motorcycle instrument 全部代替:QC/T 215-1996 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
4 QC/T 217-2007 汽车用压力报警器 Pressure alarms for automobile 全部代替:QC/T 217-1996 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
5 QC/T 323-2007 汽车门锁和车门保持件 Motor vehicles - Door locks and door retention components 全部代替:QC/T 323-1999,QC/T 586-1999 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
6 QC/T 476-2007 客车防雨密封性限值及试验方法 Rain proof performance limit and test method for bus 全部代替:QC/T 476-1999,GB/T 12480-1990* 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
7 QC/T 518-2007 汽车用螺纹紧固件紧固扭矩 Tightening torque for automotive threaded fasteners 全部代替:QC/T 518-1999 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
8 QC/T 634-2007 汽车水暖式暖风装置 Vehicle water-heating air heater mechanism 全部代替:QC/T 634-2000 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
9 QC/T 673-2007 汽车用液化石油气电磁阀 Solenoid valve of LPG vehicles 全部代替:QC/T 673-2000 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
10 QC/T 674-2007 汽车用压缩天然气电磁阀 Solenoid valve of CNG vehicles 全部代替:QC/T 674-2000 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
11 QC/T 688-2007 摩托车和轻便摩托车通用技术条件 General specifications of motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:QC/T 688-2002 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
12 QC/T 727-2007 汽车、摩托车用仪表 Instrument for automobile and motorcycle 全部代替:QC/T 727-2004 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
13 QC/T 780-2007 摩托车用液冷散热器 Water radiator used in motorcycles 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
14 QC/T 781-2007 摩托车和轻便摩托车制动盘 Braking disc for motorcycles and mopeds 2007-11-14 2008-05-01
15 QC/T 782-2007 自卸汽车密闭式顶盖 技术条件 Dump cover - Specifications 2007-11-14 2008-05-01

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