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  标准编号 标准名称 英文名称 代替标准 发布日期 实施日期
1 GB/T 5345-2008 道路车辆 石油基或非石油基制动液容器的标识 Road vehicles - Labelling of containers for petroleum-based or non- petroleum-based brake fluid 全部代替:GB/T 5345-1985,GB/T 14168-1993 2008-12-31 2009-07-01
2 GB/T 22630-2008 车载音视频设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 Audio video-apparatus on board electromagnetic compatibility requirement and methods of measurement 2008-12-23 2009-06-01
3 GB 18564.2-2008 道路运输液体危险货物罐式车辆 第2部分:非金属常压罐体技术要求 Road tanker for dangerous liquid goods transportation - Part 2: Technical requirements of atmospheric pressure non-metal tank 部分代替:GB 18564-2001 2008-12-11 2009-07-01
4 GB/T 15028-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车操纵稳定性术语 Motorcycles and mopeds - Terminology of control lability and stability 全部代替:GB/T 15028.3-1994,GB/T 15028.2-1994,GB/T 15028.4-1994,GB/T 15028.1-1994 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
5 GB/T 15366-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车操纵装置的型式、位置及基本要求 Types, positions and performance requirements for controls of motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 15366-1994 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
6 GB/T 15367-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车 两轮车和三轮车零部件名称 Motorcycles and mopeds part and component - Designations for vehicle with two and three wheels 全部代替:GB/T 5359.4-1994,GB/T 15367-1994 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
7 GB/T 22550-2008 旅居车辆 术语及其定义 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Vocabulary 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
8 GB/T 22551-2008 旅居车辆 旅居挂车 居住要求 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Habitation requirements 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
9 GB/T 22552-2008 旅居挂车 质量和尺寸 术语及其定义 Caravans - Masses and dimensions - Vocabulary 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
10 GB/T 4570-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车耐久性试验方法 Test method of durability for motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 4570-1995 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
11 GB/T 5359.1-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车术语 第1部分:车辆类型 Term for motorcycles and mopeds - Part 1: Types of vehicles 全部代替:GB/T 5359.1-1996 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
12 GB/T 5359.2-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车术语 第2部分:车辆性能 Term for motorcycles and mopeds - Part 2: Performance of vehicles 全部代替:GB/T 5359.2-1996 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
13 GB/T 5359.3-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车术语 第3部分:两轮车和三轮车尺寸 Term for motorcycles and mopeds - Part 3: Dimensions of vehicle with two and three wheels 全部代替:GB/T 5359.3-1996,GB/T 5359.7-1996 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
14 GB/T 5359.4-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车术语 第4部分:两轮车和三轮车质量 Term for motorcycles and mopeds - Part 4: Mass of vehicle with two and three wheels 全部代替:GB/T 5359.6-1996,GB/T 5359.5-1996 2008-11-28 2009-06-01
15 GB/T 5374-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车可靠性试验方法 Test method of reliability for motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 5374-1995 2008-11-28 2009-06-01

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