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  标准编号 标准名称 英文名称 代替标准 发布日期 实施日期
1 GB 11564-2008 机动车回复反射器 Retro-reflector device for motor vehicles 全部代替:GB 11564-1998 2008-11-10 2009-05-01
2 GB 17510-2008 摩托车光信号装置配光性能 Photometric characteristics of light-signalling devices for motorcycles 全部代替:GB 17510-1998 2008-11-10 2009-05-01
3 GB/T 22435-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车轻合金车轮 light-alloy wheels for motorcycles and mopeds 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
4 GB/T 22436-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车轮毂安装尺寸系列 Series of mounting dimensions for wheel hub of motorcycles and mopeds 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
5 GB/T 5335-2008 汽车液压制动装置压力测试连接器技术要求 Automobile pressure test connection for hydraulic braking equipment 全部代替:GB/T 5335-1985 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
6 GB/T 5363-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车发动机台架试验方法 Method of bench test of engine for motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 5363-1995 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
7 GB/T 5378-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车道路试验方法 Methods of road test for motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 5387-1994,GB/T 5381-1994,GB/T 15364-1994,GB/T 5376-1996,GB/T 5386-1994,GB/T 5383-1994,GB/T 5384-1996,GB/T 5378-1994,GB/T 16708-1996,GB/T 5385-1994,GB/T 15363-1994 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
8 GB/T 5382-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车制动力要求及试验方法 Performance and measurement method for braking force of motorcycles and mopeds 全部代替:GB/T 5382.2-1996 部分代替:GB 17355-1998 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
9 GB/T 5922-2008 汽车和挂车 气压制动装置压力测试连接器技术要求 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Pressure test connection for compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment 全部代替:GB/T 5922-1986 2008-10-20 2009-04-01
10 GB/T 5054.1-2008 道路车辆 多芯连接电缆 第1部分:普通护套电缆的性能要求和试验方法 Road vehicles - Multi-core connecting cables - Part 1: Test methods and requirements for basic performance sheathed cables 2008-09-24 2009-07-01
11 GB/T 5054.2-2008 道路车辆 多芯连接电缆 第2部分:高性能护套电缆的性能要求和试验方法 Road vehicles - Multi-core connecting cables - Part 2: Test methods and requirements for high performance sheathed cables 2008-09-24 2009-07-01
12 GB/T 5054.4-2008 道路车辆 多芯连接电缆 第4部分:螺旋电缆组件的弯折试验方法和要求 Road vehicles - Multi-core connecting cables - Part 4: Articulation test method and requirements for coiled cable assemblies 2008-09-24 2009-07-01
13 GB/T 21437.1-2008 道路车辆 由传导和耦合引起的电骚扰 第1部分: 定义和一般描述 Road vehicles - Electrical distrubances from conduction and coupling -Part 1: Definitions and general considerations 2008-06-19 2009-04-01
14 QC/T 275-2008 汽车发动机镶耐磨圈活塞金相检验 Metallographic examination of piston with ringcarrier for automotive engines 全部代替:QC/T 275-1999 2008-06-16 2008-12-01
15 QC/T 553-2008 汽车、摩托车发动机铸造铝活塞金相检验 Metallographic examination of piston for engines of automobile and motorcycle 全部代替:QC/T 553-1999 2008-06-16 2008-12-01

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