首页标准制修订 - 汽车标准查询


  标准编号 标准名称 英文名称 代替标准 发布日期 实施日期
1 QC/T 759-2006 汽车试验用城市运转循环 City Driving Cycle For Vehicle Testing 2006-07-26 2007-02-01
2 QC/T 760-2006 四轮全地形车通用技术条件 General Specifications for four wheeled all-terrain vehicles 2006-07-26 2007-02-01
3 GB 20300-2006 道路运输爆炸品和剧毒化学品车辆安全技术条件 Safety specifications for road transportation vehicle of explosive substance and chemical toxic substance 2006-07-19 2006-11-01
4 GB/T 20234-2006 电动汽车传导充电用插头、插座、车辆耦合器和车辆插孔通用要求 Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle coupers and vehicle inlets for conductive charging of electric vehicles - General requirements 2006-04-30 2006-12-01
5 GB 20182-2006 商用车驾驶室外部凸出物 The cab of commercial vehicles-External projections 2006-04-03 2007-04-01
6 QC/T 33-2006 汽车发动机硅油风扇离合器试验方法 Test mehtods of viscous fan clutch for automotive engines 全部代替:QC/T 33-1992 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
7 QC/T 471-2006 汽车柴油机技术条件 Specifications for auto diesel engines 全部代替:QC/T 471-1999 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
8 QC/T 51-2006 扫路车 Sweeper truck 全部代替:QC/T 29111-1993,QC/T 51-1993 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
9 QC/T 53-2006 吸粪车 Suction-type Excrement Tanker 全部代替:QC/T 29113-1993,QC/T 53-1993 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
10 QC/T 54-2006 洒水车 Street Sprinklers 全部代替:QC/T 54-1993,QC/T 29114-1993 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
11 QC/T 741-2006 车用超级电容器 Ultracapacitors for Vehicles 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
12 QC/T 742-2006 电动汽车用铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
13 QC/T 743-2006 电动汽车用锂离子蓄电池 Lithium-ion batteries for electric road vehicles 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
14 QC/T 744-2006 电动汽车用金属氢化物镍蓄电池 Nickel-metal hydride batteries for electric road vehicles 2006-03-07 2006-08-01
15 QC/T 745-2006 液化石油气汽车橡胶管路 Rubber Pipelines For Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicles 2006-03-07 2006-08-01

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